
As we age, our bodies undergo changes that can lead to a variety of physical limitations, such as decreased flexibility, muscle weakness, and joint stiffness. These limitations can impact seniors' ability to perform daily tasks and activities, which can negatively affect their overall quality of life. This is where physical therapy comes in.

Frailty in seniors can be reversed with appropriate intervention - such as - exercises, nutritional intervention, multicomponent interventions, and individually tailored geriatric care models. At Delta, we specialize in working with seniors to help them overcome physical limitations and improve their overall quality of life.

Benefits of Physical Therapy in Seniors

If you're a senior or a caretaker for a senior that is struggling with mobility, physical therapy can be a game-changer. Our team of experienced therapists are dedicated to helping seniors regain strength, flexibility, and independence. We understand the unique challenges that come with aging and will work with them to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses their specific needs and goals. Whether they are recovering from surgery, managing a chronic condition, or simply looking to improve overall health, our physical therapy services can help them feel better and stay active.

Don't let pain and limited mobility hold you back – contact us today to schedule your first appointment.

Strong at any age

At Delta, we focus on breaking the physical therapy cycle of seniors living a One-Rep Max Life. We believe that seniors don’t just need bare minimal strength to complete their everyday tasks. So why treat them at the minimum level? We strive to build their resiliency so they can complete their tasks and more!

At Delta, we focus on progressive strength training. This means slowly increasing the resistance as they get stronger and the current weight they are using starts to feel too easy. This builds strength and decreases pain so seniors can start thriving and not just surviving.

Are you ready to take control of the way you live?

Are you ready to feel better, move better, and be better? Call us today to start the road to a stronger you!